DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Paper: "Interaction network effects on position- and velocity-based models of collective motion" Authors: Turgut, Boz, Okay, Ferrante, and Huepe These supplementary materials are provided to visualise various aspects of the paper. We include simulation videos as well as images of their corresponding connectivity graphs and of their positions in the bifurcation diagrams in Figures 3 and 4 of the paper. 1) Videos We include 16 simulation videos to show all combinations of various conditions studied in the paper. These include: - 2 different collective motion MODELs: Active-Elastic (AE) and Vicsek Network (VN) - 2 different types of random interaction NETWORKs: Erdos-Renyi (ER) and Scale-Free (SF) - 2 different parameter p values (pValue): p=0.2 (p02) and p=1.0 (p10) - 2 different noise levels (noiseLevel): In degrees, as indicated in the Bifurcation Diagrams We thus use the following filename convention for the resulting videos: "Simulation _ eta.avi" 2) Bifurcation Diagrams We include 4 bifurcation diagrams that show the evaluation points of the 16 video files. These are equivalent to the diagrams in Figures 3 and 4 of the paper, with added triangular labels to indicate the parameter values for the videos. Each diagram includes a legend in the upper right side with the corresponding video file name. Filename convention: "_.png" 3)Connectivity Graphs We include 4 connectivity graphs for the 2 different random interaction networks at 2 p values. The nearest neighbor links are plotted in green and random links are plotted in red. Filename convention: "ConnectivityDiagram_NN2_p.png"