#### Readme for Dobson et al. 2018 in Proceedings: Biological Sciences #### R code for analyses presented in Dobson et al. (2018) are provided in PRSLB_code.R JAGS must be installed on the computer/machine before being able to run this code. Please visit http://mcmc-jags.sourceforge.net for more info. Data used in the analyses and required for the R code are given in paternity_mammals.csv Variables are as follows (further information can be found in Dobson et al. 2018): nbrood = number of litters for which multiple paternity was determined for each population avgbrood = average litter size (number of offspring per litter) of each population minbood = minimum litter size maxbrood = maximum litter size pmult = probability of multiple paternity determined by analyses of microsatellite DNA avgsire = average number of sires per litter of each population minsire = minimum number of sires maxsire = maximum number of sires Sources for the original data collected from manuscripts with full references are given in PRSLB_DataAppendix.docx