The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Wave energy absorption by a submerged air bag connected to a rigid float"

Posted on 2017-03-21 - 11:17
A new wave energy device features a submerged ballasted air bag connected at the top to a rigid float. Under wave action, the bag expands and contracts, creating a reciprocating air flow through a turbine between the bag and another volume housed within the float. Laboratory measurements are generally in good agreement with numerical predictions. Both show that the trajectory of possible combinations of pressure and elevation at which the device is in static equilibrium takes the shape of an S. This means that statically the device can have three different draughts, and correspondingly three different bag shapes, for the same pressure. The behaviour in waves depends on where the mean pressure-elevation condition is on the static trajectory. The captured power is highest for a mean condition on the middle section.


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Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences


A. Kurniawan
J. R. Chaplin
M. R. Hann
D. M. Greaves
F. J. M. Farley
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