The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Untangling the environmental from the dietary: dust does Not matter"

Posted on 2016-09-08 - 06:44
Both dust and silica phytoliths have been shown to contribute to reducing tooth volume during chewing. However, the way and the extent to which they individually contribute to tooth wear in natural conditions is unknown. There is still debate as to whether dental microwear represents a dietary or an environmental signal, with far reaching implications on evolutionary mechanisms which promote dental phenotypes such as molar hypsodonty in ruminants, molar lengthening in suids or enamel thickening in human ancestors.By combining controlled-food trials simulating natural conditions and dental microwear textural analysis on sheep, we show that the presence of dust on food items does not overwhelm the dietary signal. Our dataset explores variations in dental microwear textures between ewes fed on dust-free and dust-laden grass or browse fodders. Browsing diets with a dust supplement simulating Harmattan windswept environments contain more silica than dust-free grazing diets. Yet, browsers given a dust supplement differ from dust-free grazers. Regardless of the presence or the absence of dust, sheep with different diets yield significantly different dental microwear textures. Dust appears a less significant determinant of dental microwear signatures than the intrinsic properties of ingested foods, implying that diet plays a critical role in driving the natural selection of dental innovations.


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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Gildas Merceron
Anusha Ramdarshan
Cécile Blondel
Jean-Renaud Boisserie
Noël Brunetiere
Arthur Francisco
Denis Gautier
Xavier Milhet
Alice Novello
Dimitri Pret
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