The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Trophic rewilding presents regionally specific opportunities for mitigating climate change"

Posted on 2019-12-16 - 14:00
Large-bodied mammalian herbivores can influence processes that exacerbate or mitigate climate change. Herbivore impacts are, in turn, influenced by predators that place top-down forcing on prey species within a given body size range. Here, we explore how the functional composition of terrestrial large herbivore and carnivore guilds vary between three mammal distribution scenarios: Present-Natural, Current-Day and Extant-Native Trophic (ENT) Rewilding. Considering the effects of herbivore species weakly influenced by top-down forcing, we quantify the relative influence keystone large herbivore guilds have on methane emissions, woody vegetation expansion, fire dynamics, large-seed dispersal, and nitrogen and phosphorous transport potential. We find strong regional differences in the number of herbivores under weak top-down regulation between our three scenarios with important implications for how they will influence climate change relevant processes. Under the Present-Natural non-ruminant, megaherbivore, browsers were a particularly important guild across much of the world. Megaherbivore extinction and range contraction and the arrival of livestock means large, ruminant, grazers have become more dominant. ENT Rewilding can restore the Afrotropics and Indo-Malay to the Present-Natural benchmark, but causes top-down forcing of the largest herbivores to become common place elsewhere. ENT Rewilding will reduce methane emissions, but does not maximize Natural Climate Solution potential.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Climate change and ecosystems: threats, opportunities and solutions'.


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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Christopher J. Sandom
Owen Middleton
Erick Lundgren
John Rowan
Simon D. Schowanek
Jens-Christian Svenning
Søren Faurby


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