The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Thermomagnetic resonance affects cancer growth and motility"

Version 2 2020-07-15, 06:22
Version 1 2020-07-01, 20:32
Posted on 2020-07-15 - 06:22
The fight against a multifaceted incurable disease such as cancer requires a multidisciplinary approach to overcome the multitude of molecular defects at its origin. Here, a new thermophysical biochemical approach has been suggested and associated with the use of electromagnetic fields to control the growth of cancer cells. In particular, thermodynamic analysis of the heat transfer is developed in correlation with cellular parameters such as the volume/area ratio. We propose that the electromagnetic wave, at the specific frequency calculated as the characteristic response time of any cell type to the external thermal perturbation, can affect resonant intracellular molecular oscillations. The biochemical model hypothesizes that microtubules are stabilized, and the impact is predicted on cell growth, migration and mitochondrial activity. Experimental validation of the theoretical results shows that the thermodynamic analysis allows the application of the specific electromagnetic field able to decrease cancer cell invasion and proliferation.


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