The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "The ethology of wolves foraging on freshwater fish in a boreal ecosystem"

Posted on 2023-05-23 - 14:36
Through GPS-collar locations, remote cameras, field observations and the first wild wolf to be GPS-collared with a camera-collar, we describe when, where and how wolves fish in a freshwater ecosystem. From 2017 to 2021, we recorded more than ten wolves (Canis lupus) hunting fish during the spring spawning season in northern Minnesota, USA. Wolves ambushed fish in creeks at night when spawning fish were abundant, available and vulnerable in shallow waters. We observed wolves specifically targeting sections of rivers below beaver (Castor canadensis) dams, suggesting that beavers may indirectly facilitate wolf fishing behaviour. Wolves also cached fish on shorelines. We documented these findings across five different social groups at four distinct waterways, suggesting that wolf fishing behaviour may be widespread in similar ecosystems but has likely remained difficult to study given its annual brevity. Spawning fish may serve as a valuable pulsed resource for packs because the spring spawning season coincides with low primary prey (deer Odocoileus virginianus) availability and abundance, and when packs have higher energetic demands due to newly born pups. We demonstrate the flexibility and adaptability of wolf hunting and foraging behaviour, and provide insight into how wolves can survive in a myriad of ecosystems.


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Danielle R. Freund
Thomas D. Gable
Sean M. Johnson-Bice
Austin T. Homkes
Steve K. Windels
Joseph K. Bump
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