The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Stimulus dependent emergence of understanding the ‘same-different’ concept in budgerigars"

Posted on 2024-11-29 - 13:40
The ability to understand relational concepts, such as ‘same’ and ‘different’, is a critical feature of human cognition. To what extent non-human animals can acquire such concepts and which factors influence their learning is still unclear. We examined the acquisition and the breadth of understanding the ‘same-different’ concept in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus). Budgerigars trained to discriminate stimulus pairs in which two identical figures were either of the same or of different size (Experiment 1) successfully generalized the discrimination to novel stimuli belonging to various categories (size, color, shape, geometric type, and number of dots). The results of Experiment 1 thus demonstrate that budgerigars can perceive and generalize the same-different concept across dimensions after training with a limited set of stimuli differing along a single dimension. In contrast, while most budgerigars trained to discriminate two pairs of disks that were either the same or different in color (Experiment 2) could generalize the discrimination to novel stimuli within the training category (color), only few generalized the discrimination to another category suggesting a generalization based on perceptual similarity. The results thus show that whether budgerigars generalize a relationship by conceptual or perceptual similarity depends on the nature of the training stimuli.


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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Jingshu Song
Fangyuan Luo
Carel J. ten Cate
Chuan Yan
Pinjia Que
Xiangjiang Zhan
Jiani Chen
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