The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Sonic restoration: Acoustic stimulation enhances plant growth-promoting fungi activity"

Posted on 2024-09-30 - 05:40
Ecosystem restoration interventions often utilise visible elements to restore an ecosystem (e.g., replanting native plant communities and reintroducing lost species). However, using acoustic stimulation to help restore ecosystems and promote plant growth has received little attention. Our study aimed to assess the effect of acoustic stimulation on the growth rate and sporulation of the plant growth-promoting fungus Trichoderma harzianum Rifai, 1969. We played a monotone soundscape (80 dB SPL @ a peak frequency of 8 kHz – parameters determined via review and pilot research) over five days to T. harzianum to assess whether acoustic stimulation affected the growth rate and sporulation of this fungus (control samples received only ambient sound stimulation <30 dB). We show that the acoustic stimulation treatments resulted in increased fungal biomass and enhanced T. harzianum conidia (spore) activity compared to controls. These results indicate that acoustic stimulation influences plant growth-promoting fungal growth and potentially facilitates their functioning (e.g., stimulating sporulation). The mechanism responsible for this phenomenon may be fungal mechanoreceptor stimulation and/or a piezoelectric effect; however, further research is required to confirm this hypothesis. Our novel study highlights the potential of acoustic stimulation to alter important fungal attributes, which could, with further development, be harnessed to aid ecosystem restoration and sustainable agriculture.


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Biology Letters


Jake M. Robinson
Amy Annells
Christian Cando-Dumancela
Martin Breed


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