The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Social behavior mediates the microbiome response to antibiotic treatment in a wild mammal"

Posted on 2024-09-26 - 16:20
High levels of social connectivity among group-living animals have been hypothesized to benefit individuals by creating opportunities to rapidly reseed the microbiome and maintain stability against disruption. We tested this hypothesis by perturbing the microbiome of a wild population of Grant’s gazelles with an antibiotic and asking whether microbiome recovery differs between individuals with high versus low levels of social connectivity. We found that after treatment, individuals with high social connectivity experienced a faster increase in microbiome richness than less socially connected individuals. Unexpectedly, the rapid increase in microbiome richness of highly connected individuals that received treatment led to their microbiomes becoming more distinct relative to the background population. Our results suggest that the microbiome of individuals with high social connectivity can be rapidly recolonized after a perturbation event, but this leads to a more distinct, rather than similar, microbiome to the unperturbed state. This work provides new insight into the role of social interactions in shaping the microbiome.


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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Bianca R. P. Brown
Allison E Williams
Rob Knight
Kate Sabey
Aaron Onserio
John Ewoi
Se Jin Song
Vanessa Ezenwa
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