The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Precipitation and vegetation shape patterns of genomic and craniometric variation in the Central African rodent Praomys misonnei"

Posted on 2020-06-24 - 04:30
Predicting species capacity to respond to climate change is an essential first step in developing effective conservation strategies. However, conservation prioritization schemes rarely take evolutionary potential into account. Ecotones provide important opportunities for diversifying selection and may thus constitute reservoirs of standing variation, increasing the capacity for future adaptation. Here, we map patterns of environmentally associated genomic and craniometric variation in the central African rodent Praomys misonnei to identify areas with the greatest turnover in genomic composition. We also project patterns of environmentally associated genomic variation under future climate change scenarios to determine where populations may be under the greatest pressure to adapt. While precipitation gradients influence both genomic and craniometric variation, vegetation structure is also an important determinant of craniometric variation. Areas of elevated environmentally associated genomic and craniometric variation overlap with zones of rapid ecological transition underlining their importance as reservoirs of evolutionary potential. We also find that populations in the Sanaga river basin, central Cameroon and coastal Gabon are likely to be under the greatest pressure from climate change. Lastly, we make specific conservation recommendations on how to protect zones of high evolutionary potential and identify areas where populations may be the most susceptible to climate change.


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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Katy Morgan
Jean Francois Mboumba
Stephan Ntie
Patrick Mickala
Courtney A. Miller
Ying Zhen
Ryan J. Harrigan
Vinh Le Underwood
Kristen Ruegg
Eric B. Fokam
Geraud C. Tasse Taboue
Paul R. Sesink Clee
Trevon Fuller
Thomas B. Smith
Nicola M. Anthony
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