The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Narwhals react to ship noise and airgun pulses embedded in background noise"

Posted on 2021-10-22 - 11:03
Anthropogenic activities are increasing in the Arctic, posing a threat to niche-conservative species with high seasonal site fidelity, such as the narwhal Monodon monoceros. In this controlled sound exposure study, six narwhals were live-captured and instrumented with animal-borne tags providing movement and behavioural data, and exposed to concurrent ship noise and airgun pulses. All narwhals reacted to sound exposure with reduced buzzing rates, where the response was dependent on the magnitude of exposure defined as 1/distance to ship. Buzzing rate was halved 12 km from the ship, and whales ceased foraging at approximately 7–8 km. The effect of exposure could be detected greater than 40 km from the ship. At only a few kilometres from the ship, the received high-frequency cetacean weighted sound exposure levels were below background noise indicating extreme sensitivity of narwhals towards sound disturbance and demonstrating their ability to detect signals embedded in background noise. The narwhal's reactions to sustained disturbance may have a plethora of consequences both at individual and population levels. The observed reactions of the whales demonstrate their auditory sensitivity but also emphasize, that introduction of anthropogenic activities in pristine narwhal habitats needs to be managed carefully if healthy narwhal populations are to be maintained.


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Outi M. Tervo
Susanna B. Blackwell
Susanne Ditlevsen
Alexander S. Conrad
Adeline L. Samson
Eva Garde
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