The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Learning partial differential equations for biological transport models from noisy spatio-temporal data"

Posted on 2020-02-18 - 10:15
We investigate methods for learning partial differential equation (PDE) models from spatio-temporal data under biologically realistic levels and forms of noise. Recent progress in learning PDEs from data have used sparse regression to select candidate terms from a denoised set of data, including approximated partial derivatives. We analyse the performance in using previous methods to denoise data for the task of discovering the governing system of PDEs. We also develop a novel methodology that uses artificial neural networks (ANNs) to denoise data and approximate partial derivatives. We test the methodology on three PDE models for biological transport, i.e. the advection–diffusion, classical Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piskunov (Fisher–KPP) and nonlinear Fisher–KPP equations. We show that the ANN methodology outperforms previous denoising methods, including finite differences and both local and global polynomial regression splines, in the ability to accurately approximate partial derivatives and learn the correct PDE model.


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