Supplementary material from "Into the wild—a field study on the evolutionary and ecological importance of thermal plasticity in ectotherms across temperate and tropical regions"
Posted on 2021-12-22 - 16:01
Understanding how environmental factors affect the thermal tolerance of species is crucial for predicting the impact of thermal stress on species abundance and distribution. To date, species responses to thermal stress are typically assessed on laboratory-reared individuals and using coarse, low resolution, climate data that may not reflect microhabitat dynamics at a relevant scale. Here, we examine the daily temporal variation in heat tolerance in a range of species in their natural environments across temperate and tropical Australia. Individuals were collected in their habitats throughout the day and tested for heat tolerance immediately thereafter, while local microclimate were recorded at the collection sites. We found high levels of plasticity in heat tolerance across all the tested species. Both short- and long-term variability of temperature and humidity affected plastic adjustments of heat tolerance within and across days, but with species differences. Our results reveal that plastic changes in heat tolerance occur rapidly at a daily scale and that environmental factors on a relatively short timescale are important drivers of the observed variation in thermal tolerance. Ignoring such fine-scale physiological processes in distribution models might obscure conclusions about species range shifts with global climate change.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Species’ ranges in the face of changing environments (Part I)’.
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Noer, Natasja Krog; Ørsted, Michael; Schiffer, Michele; Hoffmann, Ary A.; Bahrndorff, Simon; Kristensen, Torsten N. (2021). Supplementary material from "Into the wild—a field study on the evolutionary and ecological importance of thermal plasticity in ectotherms across temperate and tropical regions". The Royal Society. Collection.