The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Impact of contact data resolution on the evaluation of interventions in mathematical models of infectious diseases"

Posted on 2022-06-09 - 18:21
Computational models offer a unique setting to test strategies to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases, providing useful insights to applied public health. To be actionable, models need to be informed by data, which can be available at different levels of detail. While high-resolution data describing contacts between individuals are increasingly available, data gathering remains challenging, especially during a health emergency. Many models thus use synthetic data or coarse information to evaluate intervention protocols. Here, we evaluate how the representation of contact data might affect the impact of various strategies in models, in the realm of COVID-19 transmission in educational and work contexts. Starting from high-resolution contact data, we use detailed to coarse data representations to inform a model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and simulate different mitigation strategies. We find that coarse data representations estimate a lower risk of superspreading events. However, the rankings of protocols according to their efficiency or cost remain coherent across representations, ensuring the consistency of model findings to inform public health advice. Caution should be taken, however, on the quantitative estimations of those benefits and costs triggering the adoption of protocols, as these may depend on data representation.


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Journal of the Royal Society Interface


Diego Andrés Contreras
Elisabetta Colosi
Giulia Bassignana
Vittoria Colizza
Alain Barrat
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