The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "How the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) loses its skeletal framework across lifetime"

Posted on 2016-10-12 - 10:39
European eels (Anguilla anguilla) undertake an impressive 5000 km long migration from European fresh waters through the North Atlantic Ocean to the Sargasso Sea. Along with the sexual maturation, eel skeleton undergoes a remarkable morphological transformation during migration, where a hitherto completely obscure bone loss phenomenon occurs. To unravel mechanisms of the maturation-related decay of the skeleton, we performed a multiscale assessment of eels' bones at different life-cycle stages. Accordingly, eel skeleton reflects extensive bone loss that is mediated via multinucleated bone-resorbing osteoclasts, while other resorption mechanisms such as osteocytic osteolysis or matrix demineralization were not observed. Preserving mechanical stability and releasing minerals for energy metabolism are two mutually exclusive functions of the skeleton that are orchestrated in eels through the presence of two spatially segregated hard tissues: cellular bone and acellular notochord. The cellular bone serves for mineral release following osteoclastic resorption, whereas the mineralized notochord sheath, that is inaccessible for resorption processes due to an unmineralized cover layer, ensures sufficient mechanical stability as a part of the notochord sheath. Clearly, eels' skeleton is structurally optimized to meet the metabolic challenge of fasting and simultaneous sexual development during an exhausting journey to the spawning areas, while the function of the vertebral column is maintained to achieve this goal.


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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Tim Rolvien
Florian Nagel
Petar Milovanovic
Sven Wuertz
Robert Percy Marshall
Anke Jeschke
Felix N. Schmidt
Michael Hahn
P. Eckhard Witten
Michael Amling
Björn Busse
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