The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Heightened condition dependence of the sexual transcriptome as a function of genetic quality in Drosophila melanogaster head tissue"

Posted on 2019-06-15 - 12:40
Theory suggests sexual traits should show heightened condition dependent expression. This prediction has been tested extensively in experiments where condition has been manipulated through environmental quality. Condition dependence as a function of genetic quality has, however, only rarely been addressed, despite its central importance in evolutionary theory. To address the effect of genetic quality on expression of sexual and non-sexual traits, we here compare gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster head tissue between flies with intact genomes (high condition) and flies carrying a major deleterious mutation (low condition). We find that sex-biased genes show heightened condition dependent expression in both sexes, and that expression in low condition males and females regresses towards a more similar expression profile. As predicted, sex-biased expression was more sensitive to condition in males compared to females, but surprisingly female-biased, rather than male-biased, genes show the higher sensitivity to condition in both sexes. Our results thus support the fundamental predictions of the theory of condition dependence when condition is a function of genetic quality.


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