The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Evidence of sperm removal behaviour in an externally fertilizing species and compensatory behaviour for the risk of self-sperm removal"

Posted on 2020-10-15 - 14:20
The removal of rival sperm from a female's sperm storage organ acts as a strong sperm competition avoidance mechanism, which has been reported only in internally fertilizing species and not at all in externally fertilizing species. This study demonstrated for the first time that nest-holding males of Bathygobius fuscus, an externally fertilizing marine fish, remove the sperm of rival sneaker males from the spawning nest by exhibiting tail-fanning behaviour within the nest. Males showed tail-fanning behaviour when semen was artificially injected into the nest but not when seawater was injected, and in open nests this behaviour resulted in higher paternity rates for the focal male. The sperm removal behaviour entails the risk of removing their own sperm; therefore, additional sperm release behaviour is likely necessary to benefit from the sperm removal effect. Consistent with this, males increased post-fanning sperm release behaviour more in the semen than in the seawater injection treatment. Moreover, males who had removed sperm for a longer time spent more time releasing sperm after the removal, suggesting that the additional sperm release behaviour compensated for the loss of their own sperm. These results suggest that sperm removal behaviour is not restricted to internally fertilizing organisms and deserves further investigation in this and other species.


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