The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Buzz Pollination: Investigations of Pollen Expulsion Using the Discrete Element Method"

Posted on 2025-01-09 - 06:55
Buzz pollination involves the release of pollen from, primarily, poricidal anthers through vibrations generated by certain bee species. Despite previous experimental and numerical studies, the intricacies of pollen dynamics within vibrating anthers remain elusive due to the challenges in observing these small-scale, opaque systems. This research employs the discrete element method (DEM) to simulate the pollen expulsion process in vibrating anthers. By exploring various frequencies and displacement amplitudes, a correlation between how aggressively the anther shakes and the initial rate of pollen expulsion is observed under translating oscillations. This study highlights that while increasing both the frequency and displacement of vibration enhances pollen release, the rate of release does not grow linearly with their increase. Our findings also reveal the significant role of pollen-pollen interactions, which account for upwards of one-third of the total collisions. Comparisons between two types of anther exits suggest that pore size and shape also influence expulsion rates. This research provides a foundation for more comprehensive models that can incorporate additional factors such as cohesion, adhesion, and Coulomb forces, paving the way for deeper insights into the mechanics of buzz pollination and its variability across different anther types and vibration parameters.


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Journal of the Royal Society Interface


Caelen Gallatin Boucher-Bergstedt
Mark Jankauski
Erick Johnson


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