Supplementary material from "Brain Shapes of Large-Bodied, Flightless Ratites (Aves: Palaeognathae) Emerge Through Distinct Developmental Allometries"
Posted on 2024-09-04 - 12:04
Comparative neuroanatomical studies have long debated the role of development in the evolution of novel and disparate brain morphologies. Historically, these studies have emphasized whether evolutionary shifts along conserved or distinct developmental allometric trends cause changes in brain morphologies. However, the degree to which interspecific differences between variably sized taxa originate through modifying developmental allometry remains largely untested. Taxa with disparate brain shapes and sizes thus allow for investigation into how developmental trends contribute to neuroanatomical diversification. Here, we examine a developmental series of large-bodied ratite birds (~60–140 kg). We use three-dimensional geometric morphometrics on cephalic endocasts of common ostriches, emus, and southern cassowaries and compare their developmental trajectories with those of the more modestly sized domestic chicken, previously shown to be in the same allometric grade as ratites. The results suggest that ratites and chickens exhibit disparate endocranial shapes not simply accounted for by their size differences. When shape and age are examined, chickens partly exhibit more accelerated and mature brain shape than ratites of similar size and age. Taken together, our study indicates that disparate brain shapes between differently sized taxa have emerged from evolution of distinct developmental allometries, rather than simply following conserved scaling trends.
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Forcellati, Meghan Rose; Watanabe, Akinobu; Green, Todd L (2024). Supplementary material from "Brain Shapes of Large-Bodied, Flightless Ratites (Aves: Palaeognathae) Emerge Through Distinct Developmental Allometries". The Royal Society. Collection.