The Royal Society

Supplementary material from "Antennal scales improve signal detection efficiency in moths"

Posted on 2018-03-07 - 09:03
The elaborate bipectinate antennae of male moths are thought to increase their sensitivity to female sex pheromones, and so should be favoured by selection. Yet simple filamentous antennae are the most common structure among moths. The stereotypic arrangements of scales on the surface of antennae may resolve this paradox. We use computational fluid dynamics techniques to model how scales on the filamentous antennae of moths affect the passage of different particles in the airflow across the flagellum in both small and large moths. We found that the scales provide an effective solution to improve the efficacy of filamentous antennae, by increasing the concentration of nanoparticles, which resemble pheromones, around the antennae. The smaller moths have a greater increase in antennal efficiency than larger moths. The scales also divert microparticles, which resemble dust, away from the antennal surface, thereby reducing contamination. The positive correlations between antennal scale angles and sensilla number across Heliozelidae moths are consistent with the predictions of our model.


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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Qike Wang
Yidan Shang
Douglas S. Hilton
Kiao Inthavong
Dong Zhang
Mark A. Elgar
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