The Royal Society
rspb20170846_si_001.pdf (262.7 kB)

Table S1. Bird species names (scientific, English and abbreviations) with corresponding date thresholds, classification into migration type, nesting guild, sensitivity and foraging guild. Table S2. GLMM output of the nesting guild-specific analysis. Table S3. GLMM output of the disturbance sensitivity analysis. Table S4. GLMM output of the foraging guild-specific analysis. from Experimental evidence of human recreational disturbance effects on bird-territory establishment.

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Version 2 2020-10-15, 09:59
Version 1 2017-06-26, 09:43
journal contribution
posted on 2017-07-05, 11:57 authored by Yves Bötsch, Zulima Tablado, Lukas Jenni
Table S1. Bird species recorded during the breeding bird censuses in 2014 and 2015 (n = 34), with their scientific and English names, as well as the abbreviations used for the figures (Electronic supplementary material figure S1 and S2). We also added the threshold dates after which a species was considered as a breeding bird and not a migrant passing through (according to [37]), and the classification into migration type (long-distance migrants versus others (residents and short-distance migrants)), nesting guild (cavity, ground and open-cup nesters), foraging guild (ground, above ground) and sensitivity according to flight initiation distance (FID); FID > median FID = high sensitivity, FID ≤ median FID = low sensitivity. Table S2. Results of the GLMMs testing the effect of experimental disturbance on the number of territories and species richness according to their nesting guild (Long-distance migrants were not included in these analyses, see electronic supplementary material table S1). Represented are the estimates of the effect of each variable with its corresponding 95% credible intervals (CrI). Table S3: Results of the GLMMs testing the effect of the experimental disturbance on the number of territories and species richness according to their sensitivity towards humans according to flight initiation distances (only resident and short-distance migrants were included in these analyses, see electronic supplementary material table S1). Represented are the estimates of the effect of each variable with its corresponding 95% credible intervals (CrI). Table S4: Results of the GLMMs testing the effect of experimental disturbance on the number of territories and species richness according to their foraging guild (only resident and short-distance migrants were included in these analyses, see electronic supplementary material table S1). Represented are the estimates of the effect of each variable with its corresponding 95% credible intervals (CrI).


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