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Spectrograms;Morphometry;Sample sizes;Percentages of rhythm types;Acrophase analyses from Lifelong exposure to artificial light at night impacts stridulation and locomotion activity patterns in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

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Version 2 2021-09-09, 11:53
Version 1 2021-09-06, 14:42
journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-09, 11:53 authored by Keren Levy, Yoav Wegrzyn, Ronny Efronny, Anat Barnea, Amir Ayali
Figure S1. Spectrograms of the light bulb used in the anechoic chamber for all experimental groups (LD, LL2, LL5 and LL). (A) 40 lux, (B) 5 lux, (C) 2 lux. The light spectra were recorded using the Sekonic Sprectromaster C-700 (North White Plans, NY, USA). ;Figure S2. Morphological parameters of male Gryllus bimaculatus crickets compared between all four experimental groups LD, LL2, LL5 and LL. Mean (±S.E.) of body length (n=12, 22, 22, and 41, respectively), wing length (n=12, 22, 22, and 41, respectively), tibia length (n=13, 20, 21, and 41, respectively), femur length (n=13, 20, 21, and 39, respectively), head width (n=12, 22, 22, and 41, respectively), pronotum length (n=12, 22, 22, and 39, respectively) and width (n=12, 22, 22, and 39, respectively), as well as body weight (n=11, 21, 22, and 36, respectively) are presented. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Inserted: Body condition index of the ratio of the crickets’ individual weights divided by their individual lengths and compared between all four experimental groups LD, LL2, LL5 and LL (n=11, 22, 21, and 34, respectively), are presented. Single comparisons between treatments did not differ significantly (Kruskal Wallis with Dunn's post-hoc test, p > 0.09).;Table S1: Sample sizes of individual male Gryllus bimaculatus adult crickets used for each analysis and treatment of the lifelong ALAN experiment. Each column represents another set of analysis on stridulation (left part) or locomotion (right part) behavior. Patterns & percentages include all experimental animals. For the period and acrophase analysis, sample size includes only animals, which period analysis was found significant, hence, all individuals with a synchronized or free-run pattern (but no arrhythmic results). The sample size for the correlation included only individuals, for each both, stridulation and locomotion period results were obtained from the same animal.;Table S2: Percentage of synchronized, free-run and arrhythmic stridulation and locomotion behavior in male Gryllus bimaculatus adult crickets exposed to four different lifelong ALAN intensities. ;Table S3: Acrophase analyses of stridulation and locomotion activity of individual crickets from the four experimental treatments. Only animals whose activity period was found significant were included in the acrophase analysis. Each datapoint represents the acrophase calculated for five days. The difference data was calculated by subtracting locomotion values from stridulation values of the same individual. Data are presented for all individuals, and separately for those cases where data for both behaviors was available for the same individual.


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