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Ratio of total force tolerated by an axon (embedded in a collagen fiber network) over the total force exerted on the fiber network. from Tissue loading and microstructure regulate the deformation of embedded nerve fibres: predictions from single-scale and multiscale simulations.

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Version 2 2020-10-15, 11:04
Version 1 2017-09-25, 10:45
posted on 2017-10-03, 11:18 authored by Vahhab Zarei, Sijia Zhang, Beth A. Winkelstein, Victor H. Barocas
Correlation of fibers’ anisotropy (a-f) and volume concentration (g-l) with axon's load share fraction, defined as the total force tolerated by the axon over the total force exerted on the network, during transverse (a, d), axial (b, e), and shear loading (c, f) of the fiber networks. Only the force along the deformation is considered. Results are for different stiffness (0.1A, 0.01A and 0.001A where A is the stiffness of the collagen fibers) of the non-microtubule part of the axon model. Lines show the mean values (n=8), and error bars are the 95% CI. At some data points, error bars are small and they are covered under the symbol.( Vahhab Zarei, Sijia Zhang, Beth A. Winkelstein, Victor H. Barocas. “Tissue loading and microstructure regulate the deformation of embedded nerve fibers: predictions from single-scale and multiscale simulations”. Journal of Royal Society Interface.)


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