The Royal Society
rsos181166_si_001.tif (180.61 kB)

Mean DIC strain; cut vs. intact ROI ratio from Short cracks in knee meniscus tissue cause strain concentrations, but do not reduce ultimate stress, in single-cycle uniaxial tension.

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Version 2 2020-10-15, 12:13
Version 1 2018-10-31, 15:55
posted on 2018-11-12, 13:32 authored by John M. Peloquin, Michael H. Santare, Dawn M. Elliott
The plots of Eyy ratios for the circumferential edge and center crack groups are cropped to exclude 3 specimens each for which intact strain ≈ 0, producing a ratio ≈ ∞. All plotted quantiles remain based on the full dataset. The boxplots are in Tukey's style.
