The Royal Society

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rspa20160759_si_002.mat (130.46 kB)

Vibration data of the clamped-clamped beam from Nonlinear model identification and spectral submanifolds for multi-degree-of-freedom mechanical vibrations

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posted on 2017-05-30, 09:32 authored by Robert Szalai, David Ehrhardt, George Haller
This is a MATLAB file containing velocity time series that were used to calculate the three backbone curves in figure 4. The data is re-sampled with a relatively coarse sample rate as described in the article text. The file contains 4 matrices. The first row of each matrix is time, the second row is the velocity of the beam near its midpoint. There are four tracks of vibrations, but only three of them, ‘NNM1a’, ‘NNM2’ and ‘NNM3’ were used to calculate the backbone curves. ‘NNM1b’ is an alternative track for the first mode, which can be used in combination with the rest or can replace ‘NNM1a’.
