The Royal Society
rsfs20160083_si_005.xml (3.67 MB)

Phase-averaged force and inertial data of all data trials of the five different wings from The influence of aspect ratio and stroke pattern on force generation of a bat-inspired membrane wing

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posted on 2016-11-15, 11:53 authored by Cosima Schunk, Sharon M. Swartz, Kenneth S. Breuer
The lift and drag data of the five different aspect ratio wings was stored in a MATLAB structure and then converted to XML. For easiest access use xml2mat (available on to convert back to a MATLAB structure. The MATLAB structure contained 5 structures. Each of these structures contains fields named modelID, data and inertia. The structure data is a 5-D matrix, the structure inertia is a 4-D matrix of size. Both structures, data and inertia, have two fields, L and D, which are 2-D matrices of type double, where each column represents one phase-averaged wingbeat cycle. All force data are given in Newton. The data and inertia matrices are sorted so that each combination of test variables per model (freestream velocity, U, downstroke ratio, DR, stroke amplitude angle, a, sweep amplitude angle, b, and flapping frequency, f) is uniquely identified. The order for the data matrix is: [U,DR,a,b,f]. The order for the inertia matrix is: [DR,a,b,f]. U runs from 1 to 2, corresponding to 5.0 m/s and 7.5 m/s; DR runs from 1 to 3, corresponding to to downstroke ratios of .44, .50, .56; a runs from 1 to 7, corresponding to angles from 15° to 110° in increments of 15°; b runs 1 to 5, corresponding to angles from 15° to 55° in increments of 10°; f runs from 1 to 6, corresponding to frequencies of 2, 4, 6 8, 9, and 10 Hz; Example: Access to lift data of the Eptesicus baseline stroke of model AR35bl at a freestream velocity of 5 m/s:,2,7,5,5).L


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