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Ecomorphological position of shrew species in functional trait space defined by NMDS from Functional volumes, niche packing and species richness: biogeographic legacies in the Congo Basin

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Version 2 2020-03-11, 07:31
Version 1 2020-03-03, 12:14
journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-11, 07:31 authored by Frederik Van de Perre, Michael R. Willig, Steven J. Presley, Itoka Jean-Claude Mukinzi, Mbalitini Sylvestre Gambalemoke, Herwig Leirs, Erik Verheyen
(a) Point colours indicate whether species occur only in the CLF (blue), only in the NLF (orange), or in both ecoregions (grey). Polygons represent two-dimensional Hull curves for the species of each ecoregion (orange for CLF, blue for NLF). Species codes: Cca, Crocidura caliginea, Ccd, Crocidura cf. dolichura; Ccf, Crocidura cf. fuscomurina; Ccl, Crocidura cf. littoralis, Ccm, Crocidura cf. muricauda, Cco, Crocidura cf. olivieri; Ccr, Crocidura crenata; Cde, Crocidura denti; Cgo, Crocidura goliath; Cgr, Crocidura grassei; Cla, Crocidura latona; Clu, Crocidura ludia, Cyo, Crocidura yoko sp1; Psc, Paracrocidura schoutedeni; Syo, Scutisorex yokoensis; Sco, Scutisorex congicus; Scr, Suncus cf. remyi; Sak, Sylvisorex akaibei; Scj, Sylvisorex cf. johnstoni; Sol, Sylvisorex cf. ollula; Sns, Sylvisorex nsp1. (b) Vectors show the magnitude and direction of correlation of each trait with axis scores. See text for definition of trait codes: EB, EL/HB; FB, HF/HB; TB, TL/HB; WT, WT; GC, GWS/CI; IC, IW/CI; LC, LTR/CI; UC, UTR/CI.


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